About Adrian Nowicki

Hello World, or Καλημέρα κόσμε, or こんにちは世界.

Photo of Adrian Nowicki

I'm Adrian Marcin Nowicki or amn.

I was born in Jarocin in 1985 (, to be exact, 18:30 to be even more), now living in Poznań.

I'm a programmer. Depending on the size of a problem, my languages of choice are: AWK, Python, or Go (golang). The last one used to be ANSI C before Go existed.

I currently work at Specfile Project Sp. z o.o.

At work I currently program in Python, using Django framework. I also know Flask and I think that webapp2 is interesting, because:

  1. it's small,
  2. it probably is the only one framework where you write to response instead of returning it.

The server (maja) hosting this very site is written in Go. Go figure.

Projects on which I work or have been working on:

I used to be a librarian.

I'm interested in: mathematics (mainly combinatorics, but also some calculus and topology), physics, astronomy, syntax of formal and natural languages.

Also I think that katanas are just worse.

Me elsewhere


My email is adrian@anowicki.pl. My PGP key can be found on my Keybase account.


Sir, your site looks like þe shite.
This is Sparta!
You like those old, not funny anymore, memes, do you?
What is your MBTI personality type?
I don't believe in MBTI; I'm an INTP and we're skeptical.
What is your height?
178 cm.
What is your favourite number?
0, a.k.a. neutral element of addition and 1 a.k.a. neutral element of multiplication.
What is 0⁰?
Favourite music?
I listen to almost everything, but at the moment I like post-grunge the most. Yes, that includes Nickelback. My clock alarm is this playlist. Neighbors probably hate me.
Favourite author?
Brian Kernighan. Oh, you mean of a story book? Andrzej Sapkowski. Now I'm starting to read books by Terry Pratchett.
Two most important books in my life are: Prawda i mity w fizyce (Truth and myths in physics) by Andrzej Kajetan Wróblewski and A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking.
We are nerds. What is your setup?
Thinkpad P50s and Raspberry Pi 3B+.
Operating system:
Ubuntu and Windows 10 on the laptop, Raspbian on the Raspberrry Pi. In the past: Funtoo, Gentoo, OpenBSD, Debian, and Mandrakelinux.
This site sits on Debian.
Game console:
Nintentdo Switch, Playstation 4, NES Classic Edition, Super NES Classic Edition.
Pixel 2
Kellys Phanatic 10.
Is there a God?
Emacs or Vi?
Neither. I use the sam text editor. This very site is written with it's use.
Also: Ed is the standard text editor.
What is the greatest computer game of all time?
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Previous greatest games were Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.
And what about TV show?
Easy: Twin Peaks. Later shows are just a rip-offs. Take X-Files for instance. Titular X-Files are just a ripp-off of the Blue Rose. FBI agent played by David Duchovny? Checked.
What's with this strange time format of last updated?
See RFC 3339.

Anyway, if you have been, thanks for reading.